When a fire occurs, it must be calm. If the fire early was found, while the fire is small, use the fire extinguisher, water and other fire extinguishing tools in the first time to save, should also be shouting out fire and of those around in the police. If there are many people fighting, should be carried out division of labor, part of the person responsible for the fire, another part of the people to remove the flame around the combustible material, to prevent, slow down the spread of fire.
According to different fire, seeking to escape plan.
You should touch the door lock before you open the door. If the door lock temperature is high, then the fire or smoke has sealed off the door, this time must not open the door. All the doors and windows closed room, blocked door with a towel, quilt, and water cooling. At the same time, the use of mobile phone and other communication tools out to the police.
If the lock temperature normal or crack no smoke came in, that the fire from still own a distance. At the same time, can open the door to observe the channel with the outside. When you open the door with a foot against the door of the box, the heat wave burst through the door. In the sure fire did not pose a threat to their circumstances, should as soon as possible to escape from the fire.
In case of thick smoke wet towel over the nose, bow down quickly to evacuate.
Through the smoke zone, to the lowest possible position or prostrate position fast forward, and use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose. Don't retreat to the narrow corner, such as corner, desk, wardrobe etc..
Don't escape into the elevator, stairs can be a lifesaver. The elevator is often easy to power outages caused by the elevator "stuck", people in the elevator at any time will be smoke gas smoked choke and suffocate.
Familiar with the escape route, to understand the method of escape.
Everyone to structure of their own work, study or living buildings and escape route so clear in the chest, familiar with building fire protection facilities and self rescue escape method. So, when the fire broke out, will not feel cornered.